
Heating & Air Conditioning Services In Nashotah

We want to ensure that you feel safe and secure in your home all year-round with the appropriate temperature.
Brookfield family
We want to ensure that you feel safe and secure in your home all year-round with the appropriate temperature. We want you to be able to rely on your heating and cooling systems efficiently especially when temperatures get extreme.

By providing services that will keep your systems in excellent condition year-round, we can ensure that optimal operation of your HVAC will keep your energy consumption to a manageable level.

In need of an AC
Tune-Up or Repair?

Most of the time, homeowners only have a professional check their AC system when they encounter problems. A lot of times, people just think that their AC is functioning normally as long as it’s still operating well. As a result, once-minor problems that have gone undetected can grow into bigger ones, or very serious problems that can eventually lead to a system shutdown.
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Air Conditioning Services

Our HVAC system professionals recommend that annually routine inspections be done before hot seasons hit to ensure that your system stays running smoothly.
Routine Maintenance Helps:
  • Peace of mind
  • Lower cost to operate
  • Ensuring that the system runs efficiently
  • In eliminating any major issues that your AC may have
  • In the prevention of emergency repairs
  • Saving time and money on major problems
  • Cleaner, healthier air to breathe
Erick Hvac 6

Providing Prompt
Heating Repairs

Our company is well aware of how uncomfortable and unsafe it can be when heating systems fail during a harsh winter. Heating problems when the weather is cold is not only miserable and annoying, but it can be a serious safety concern for everyone in the house as well. We know and understand how essential it is to have a heating system that runs efficiently and safely. We are able to tackle any problem or issue with any type of heating system that your home might use.

Our Comfort Heating
and Cooling Difference

All of our HVAC professionals are licensed and equipped with the necessary training. When you make a decision to use our company for your next HVAC project, we say with absolute certainty that we will give you a high level of service and great customer service. We take great pride in our ability to keep our clients’ heating and cooling systems in top shape. You can rely on our HVAC experts to meet all of your HVAC needs, from regular preventive maintenance to the most complicated and urgent emergency repairs.

Make time to closely examine our Contact Us web page. When we receive your inquiry, you can expect a timely response to any and all questions you may have. You can be assured that you will be satisfied with our service.


See what our clients
say about our work

These guys came in as a second opinion for my HVAC system and were so informative. Thank you so much! Now my new condo has a new system that I know will last.

Julie Hang

We are having a fireplace installed, and In-Phase was the ones we trust to install the electrical for it. They are not only professional, but highly skilled and personable as well. They always go above and beyond! Josh was great!

Jeanette Lubitz

Michael from Over the Moon did a great job. He was professional, courteous and went above and beyond. Gave me some good advice that I will use. Over the Moon does a fantastic job!

Alan Krenke

Joe from Over the Moon changed our smoke detectors and replaced an outlet. He also did an annual inspection. Joe was very efficient and knowledgeable. He explained everything he was doing and suggested some changes that could be beneficial. I would highly recommend Joe and Over the Moon!

James Bomberg

We had Over the Moon do a maintenance service on our AC system. Took advantage of their $99.00 service special. The technician Mike was professional, courteous and did a thorough job. We have had Over the Moon into our home for other services and repairs. We are satisfied with their performance, honesty and integrity.

Jim Paro

Over the Moon is outstanding. They did extensive work for us in a number of areas in our home, some quite complicated. Expert service, way above quality of other contractors we have used in the past. Highly recommended. Our service provider Joe is the best!

Jane O.



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